Priest Lake Vintage Snowmobile Races

Jan 28, 2023
10:00 am - 03:00 pm
32202 Hwy 57, Priest Lake, Idaho 83856,
Priest Lake, 83856
(509) 599-5539
January 28-29 10am-(Pre-Register Jan 27, Hills Resort 6-8 PM)
US Forest Service Air Strip-32202 Hwy 57-Priest Lake, Idaho
Priest Lake Vintage Snowmobile Racing is committed to promoting a safe and fun event whether you are a racer or a spectator. We are not affiliated with any vintage snowmobiling racing sanctioning bodies.
Race Weekend Schedule
Friday-10am Pits Open-12pm Pre Tech Opens-4pm Pre Tech Closes
5pm Registration Opens At Hills Resort-
8pm Registration Closes At Hills & Online
Saturday-7am Race Tech Opens-9am Tech Closes-9:30am Drivers Meeting-10am Racing Starts
Sunday-10am Racing Starts