Nine Mile Cemetery
They say dead men tell no tales. But a cemetery is full of stories. Such is the case of with the Nine Mile Cemetery of Wallace, located just north of town on Dobson Pass Road. Among those buried there are heroes from every American conflict from the Civil War onward. The historic cemetery has graves dating from the 1880s and is located in a forested setting on a fairly steep hillside. Graves include those from the early mining days of the Silver Valley. All set among rolling hills and forest, it is a must stop for any history buff. A listing of all those buried there is available for viewing by appointment at the Wallace Visitors’ Center located just off exit 61 and I-90 on 10 River St. in Wallace
Location: Nine Mile Cemetery is located approximately one mile north of Wallace. From Wallace take Nine Mile Canyon Road northeast for about a mile. The road into the cemetery is called Cemetery Road and is on the left side.
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